The End of Culture as We Know It
Will our hands remember how to take up a pen to write without the assistance of a keyboard and Grammarly? Will our eyes be able to adjust to words on paper rather than illuminated on a computer? Will we ever create an outline again without the assistance of ChatGPT? The words of my cousin’s “gyatt” echo into eternity, a siren call of the society we’ve become.
Quand la musique ancienne résonne de nouveau
Cela serait-il la quête d'une époque où la musique semblait davantage vivre à travers l'âme de l'artiste, plutôt que d'être le produit d'une industrie froide et formatée? Si les jeunes préfèrent parfois la musique « vintage, » c’est peut-être parce qu’ils y trouvent un souffle d’humanité, de passion et d’authenticité, fréquemment absent dans la pop trop lissée et sur-produite d’aujourd’hui.
Digital Sexual Exploitation: the Deepfake Epidemic in South Korea
In this digital age, violence against women is not limited to the physical world. It is spreading at alarming rates online through the creation of deepfake sexual content that can only be considered as a violence to the existence and integrity of women and girls.
The London Arts Scene: A (Sciences Po) Student’s Guide
Whether it be the exploitation of industrial workers, the wars waged by Western powers, or populism masking intense elitism, London’s artists contend with the same ills we study here in Menton. That art can express those issues in a more eloquent and widely-accessible form than any research paper should justify its inclusion in a robust political life.
The Real Eastern Question: Reality TV and Soap Operas
You can love them; you can hate them; you can claim that you’re above them and so much better than others for not enjoying them. But, in reality, we all have things to learn from Reality TV. The way we choose to portray our “realities” to the world, and more specifically to the West, tells a lot about the extent to which countries stand with our values.
Sassy Man in Politics
The trend of "sassy-man politics" shows a shift in politics, where personality and showmanship often take priority over serious policy discussions. Politicians using humor, boldness, and sarcasm to connect with the public are gaining attention, especially on platforms like TikTok, which favor short, attention-grabbing clips over deeper conversations.
Gurbet and Gourmet: A Closer Look at Kebab Shops in Europe
It’s always relieving to find a place that feels like home while you are on your own “gurbet” journey studying abroad, and finding that missing piece through people who are usually very helpful and kind makes this journey much easier. People working at kebab shops express the friendly qualities and warmth that international students are generally desperate to find in a new and unfamiliar environment.
Les ‘Five-Day Workweeks’ en Débat: Revisiter Notre Rapport à la Production et au Travail
En ces temps de mutation profonde du monde du travail, la controverse portant sur la forme que doit prendre une bonne workweek anime les gouvernements et les sociétés. Décriées ou célébrées, les tentatives actuelles pour réformer la semaine de travail traditionnelle se multiplient à travers le monde et nous incitent à repenser notre rapport à la production et à l’emploi.
We’ll find ourselves scrolling through 2.7 million posts ranging from references to the album, people talking about and embracing themselves using the brat aesthetic and lyrics from the album, photos of vice-president Kamala Haris, and tutorials on brat green hair and makeup. Nevertheless, there remains the question: How did being ‘brat’ come into the mainstream in an era dominated by the highest grossing tour in history, Taylor Swift’s Eras tour?
Crazy in Love? My (Unrequited) Romance with Rachel Bloom’s Comedy
A whirlwind of whimsical musical comedy and delectable love triangles (quadrangles?), with a splash of poignant moments, “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend” is a god amongst television productions, an exceptional set of four seasons that supersedes the comparatively mundane Netflix, Amazon Prime, or Hulu material.
Zone of Conflict: Controversies and Dilemmas in Holocaust-Cinema
It is inconceivable to imagine any Holocaust movie that is not controversial. Even The Zone of Interest in its minimal narrative storytelling has failed to escape the debates – is it fair to exclude the victims when discussing the Holocaust? Is the movie adding anything, really, to the construction of our knowledge of the events? The questions are not up for me to answer, and yet I find them crucial.
Judeo-Arabic: A Dying Dialect, A Culture that Must Not Be Forgotten
From this quick study of a small sample of words imbued with cultural insights, one can see how preserving Judeo-Arabic, ensuring its longevity in scholarly study and lived experience, keeps alive a distinct Jewish experience and yet an additional, deeper understanding of its relation and similarities to surrounding cultures and peoples.