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Seeing Red: Conservatism and Combat Sports

If the right wing, as they have in the past, continue to capitalize on the sport’s inherent conservative inclinations, not only will they see victories on fight night, but on election night too.

Seeing Red: Conservatism and Combat Sports


Playing Switzerland: An Unfair Game

The problem with playing Switzerland, therefore playing neutral, is that it is not a fair game. Ban the state, hurt the athletes. Do not ban the state, hurt those affected by the state. The sport of neutrality is not simple, nor does it have defined rules, and the question remains: how can sporting governing bodies criticize aggressor states whilst staying true to their values of inclusivity and togetherness through sport?

Playing Switzerland: An Unfair Game


Restless Relocations: The Hard Breaks Between City’s and their Sports Teams

56 seasons. 21 playoff appearances. 6 American League Pennants and 4 World Series Championships: the Athletics’ storied time in Oakland came to an end late this September with a 3-2 win over the Texas Rangers, their final game in the city’s Coliseum.

Restless Relocations: The Hard Breaks Between City’s and their Sports Teams


Eternal Enemies: PSG vs Olympique de Marseille

Ultras, celebrations, anthems, hatred and violence are often associated with football. Coming from a country where the derby between Olympiakos and Panathinaikos brings out some of the best ultras in the world, I came to discover what happens in my new country of residence, France.

Eternal Enemies: PSG vs Olympique de Marseille


Formula 1: Are the Gulf Countries “Sportswashing”?

The recent increase in the number of races held in the Arabian Peninsula comes from the rise in investment from the Gulf countries, especially Saudi Arabia, which is currently advocating for the addition of a second race in Qiddiya.

Formula 1: Are the Gulf Countries “Sportswashing”?


2024: Year of the Bike on the Côte d’Azur

As it’s a Saturday afternoon, and as I am a creature of habit, I almost automatically bundle my bike out of my apartment.

2024: Year of the Bike on the Côte d’Azur


Focusing on the Figures: Insight into the War in Ukraine Through the Lens of Figure Skating

Figure skating is an integral part of Russian culture and identity. It is the amalgamation of Russian persistence in sacrifice, the current government’s propensity to reject all things Western, and above all, the pathway to repairing the fragmented prestige of years past.

Focusing on the Figures: Insight into the War in Ukraine Through the Lens of Figure Skating


Qatar Bids for Manchester United

Football, once dubbed the “beautiful game,” has become the epicenter of sports washing, a newly coined term that refers to ways in which countries invest in sports to promote their reputation and deflect attention from their less favorable activities. Qatar is not alone in this.

Qatar Bids for Manchester United


February Sports Recap

Sports Recap — February 2023

February Sports Recap


Menton à Risoul: Sciences Pistes Spend Last Week of Break at Annual BDS Ski Trip

Despite a few hiccups and more than a few drunk incidents, the ski trip was a tremendous success. Sciences Pistes faced their fears on the mountain, and they are stronger for it. Going into the second semester of the year, there is undoubtedly a tighter connection between us than ever before

Menton à Risoul: Sciences Pistes Spend Last Week of Break at Annual BDS Ski Trip


Morocco's World Cup Success Sends the World a Powerful Statement

The success of the Moroccan team at the 2022 FIFA World Cup has disrupted the traditional balance of football. It has shown how the unassuming underdogs can, with the right combination of teamwork, persistence, and a steadfast, strong-willed, bald-headed coach — Walid Regragui, nicknamed “avocado head”— attain new heights.

Morocco's World Cup Success Sends the World a Powerful Statement


Le Football, Source de Miracles Pour l'Argentine?

Même les leaders politiques les plus charismatiques de l'histoire de l'Argentine n'ont pas réussi ce que l'équipe dirigée par Messi a réussi : imprégner l'âme de près de 46 millions d'Argentins de la fierté d'appartenir à la nation argentine.

Le Football, Source de Miracles Pour l'Argentine?


January Sports Recap

Sports Recap — January 2023

January Sports Recap


Analyzing the Morality of the World Cup: Boycotts, Forced Labor and Human Rights

Although the human rights violations in Qatar and its threat to the environment are alarming, it is of the utmost importance that one approaches the situation holistically. Forced labor, environmental threats and the kafala system gained attention due to World Cup boycott conversations. While the tournament has already occurred, it is paramount to not discard these issues in future discourse.

Analyzing the Morality of the World Cup: Boycotts, Forced Labor and Human Rights


December Sports Recap

Sports Recap – December 2022

December Sports Recap


October Sports Recap

Sports Recap – October 2022

October Sports Recap


The 2022 Qatar World Cup Has a Dark Side

The sheer joy that usually accompanies the World Cup approach has been tainted this year. Qatar, the next World Cup site, continues to raise human rights concerns.

The 2022 Qatar World Cup Has a Dark Side


Critique du Film “Le Stade”

Le film, réalisé par Eric Hannezo et Matthieu Vollaire, est une magnifique plongée dans l’aventure d’une saison, au sein du vestiaire du Stade Toulousain.

Critique du Film “Le Stade”


Sports Recap: April

Sports Recap – April 2022

Sports Recap: April


Association Feature: l'Équipe de Foot

Le désir d’aller contre tous les pronostics, de rendre fier tout un campus, de montrer que le cholismo n’est pas mort, en bref ; montrer aux yeux du monde (ou au moins quelques centaines de sciencepistes) que oui, Menton n’est pas mort, Menton ne baissera pas la tête, Menton va rivaliser et bien plus que cela, que nous n’avons jamais été aussi forts qu’aujourd’hui, plus qu’hier et moins que demain.

Association Feature: l'Équipe de Foot
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