False tears about fantasized walls
The white majority society remains silent about this political disciplining, although it is such policies of the bourgeois-right alliance that are the driving force of the authoritarian re-structuring of Germany. It is these policies, which criminalize and attack the identities of ethnic and Arab minorities, that provide the breeding ground for the AfD.
Weaving Both Banks of the River Together: The Keffiyeh and the Construction of National Identity in Jordan and Palestine
If restored to its original role as a subaltern tool of social action, the threads of the hatta will once again weave together the working classes on both banks of the Jordan River in their struggle for liberation. The national meanings now attached to the hatta’s colors are constructs designed to essentialize and divide—a red herring distracting from the real story of our grandparents’ hattas.
Terminology and War Crime Denial
If we understand that proper wording can strongly impact policy and recognition of the suffering of persecuted peoples, then it becomes all the clearer why so many are arguing on whether the war in Gaza constitutes a genocide, and whether the treatment of Uyghurs is a crime against humanity.
The New Wave
The question, “Why are we so susceptible to populism and lies?” is inevitable. Is it the charisma of these figures? Does the symbolism of a powerful leader appeal to our insecurities and the sense of instability we were thrown into with economic stagnation, wars and globalisation? Does their promise to return to a place of power, prosperity, and stability appeal to the hurt, humiliated patriots in us?
News: Informative or Desensitizing?
“In each newspaper, you encounter accounts of incredible queerness. For our writers these occurrences are fantastical, and Their Lords do not even want to take them into consideration, whilst they are the reality in itself, because they consist of random events. Who would want to observe, to elucidate and to register them? Events as such are consumed continuously, day by day, and are not exceptions. All of the reality passes us incessantly.”
Separating the Rap from the Rapper
Rap seems to attract the worst of both worlds, awfully behaving artists and their near-blind cult following. The most despicable behavior can be forgiven so long as the musician continues to produce good music. Hip-hop fans have ease separating the rap from the rapper it seems, but this can set a dangerous precedent for the future.
« Pain, Éducation, Liberté! » Un Regard Sur Le Soulèvement De Novembre 1973 En Grèce
Qui sont ces étudiants, et comment leurs actes du 17 novembre 1973 ont-ils acquis une portée profondément démocratique et déterminante pour l’avenir du pays? En quoi ces réponses nous illuminent-elles quant au rapport contemporain de la société et de l’univers politique grecs vis-à-vis des valeurs démocratiques et des mouvements étudiants?
Déni de politique: les ‘experts’ au pouvoir
Pendant qu’on s’attache à montrer qu’on suit les pas de la Raison, on oublie l’essentiel dans la politique au point que l’on puisse trouver cela trivial et naïf; on oublie la nécessité d’un débouché concret et utile à la méthode rationnelle, c’est-à-dire la recherche de la justice.
Christmas: The Cheerful Holiday of Stress
During this time of the year, the internet is always full of unsolicited advice on surviving the holidays with our families without harming either them or ourselves. As someone who enjoys a good “tip from a therapist” video on Instagram, my for-you page is always full of posts like this. Although I sometimes find the advice too vague or unfitting to my situation, I almost always watch it. So this year—purely to entertain myself and without any real hope for getting along better with my relatives—I decided to implement, besides my real-therapist-approved tricks, some of the advice that the gurus on Instagram had revealed to me.
Les Milliardaires, La Politique et Les Médias
En ayant tout ce passé pour nous prévenir, comment n'avons nous pas vu Musk venir? Certains disaient encore en 2022 que son rachat de Twitter n'était ni grave ni dangereux! Comment laissons-nous faire ses rachats progressifs et la transformation de de chaînes d'information en usines d’opinions essentiellement d'extrême droite? Est-ce que les magnats des médias d’aujourd’hui sont destinés à choisir—ou du moins influencer—les dirigeants de demain?
A Delicate Balancing Act: Journalism in Conflict Zones
What really is the role of a journalist, a war journalist in particular? Well, on a basic level of analysis, war journalists offer information—factual updates on a conflict and an analysis of evolving situations. Scraping beyond the surface, a war journalist’s role is far greater. War journalists are the torch-bearers of the truth, chronicling human suffering, influencing public perception and shaping historical memory. With that, almost inevitably, journalistic pieces offering unique insights will often be underscored by biases; after all, that’s why we get all sorts of different headlines on a given event.
Au Sud global, rien de nouveau à l’horizon
Alors que les pays occidentaux et leurs soutiens s’enferrent à nier les fondements de l’ordre international qu’ils ont proclamé du haut de leur puissance, il apparaît qu’une nouvelle impulsion risque de renverser l’inconséquence complice des pays du Nord. En effet, le ‘Sud global’ entend bien chasser les marchands du Temple.
Broken Faith: Confronting Abuse within the Catholic Church
How can believers trust an institution that continuously lies? How can they trust an institution that fails to live by the teachings of the word it claims to follow? How can one believe in the good, in the charity of an institution that causes so much pain? I am not suggesting the Church is inherently flawed, after all I still am a Christian and I still believe in the Church, but there is no denying the wrongdoings of its executive. The question is whether the Church will confront the sin lying in its foundation—for an institution like the Church cannot stand if it hides the rot within.
The Fall of the West
In such delicate moments as those that engulf the West right now, its position is far from being unitary and clear. It hesitates to help Ukraine and to have a rigid position about the Israeli-Palestinian situation. It quarrels with itself to the highest degree and it always finds a way to take a stance too late. In this context, the West is divided as never before in recent history.
When does a celebration become an indoctrination?
On the one hand, the eleventh of November is a day during which many people in the world reflect on the horrors that ancestors had to endure during the four years of World War One, reminding us that our freedom should not be taken for granted. On the other hand, this day has also become not just an anniversary of the end of the war, but also a celebration of militarism itself, leading to debates on whether it has not evolved into a day of military glorification instead of a day for reflection.
The Hidden Cost of Fame: Child Exploitation and Drug Abuse within the Music Industry
The life of Liam Payne, similar to the lives of other young stars, lays bare the terrifying exposures of rising to fame at such a young age, as well as the unseen pressures that often come with success in the music industry. His death, which was reportedly influenced by substance use by the Argentinian authority, can be related to a broader pattern seen in the lives of other famous young artists who have struggled with mental health and addiction.
L’imposture de la neutralité en politique
La neutralité qui s’exprime dans le débat public a quelque chose de dangereux dans le sens où elle légitime des projets politiques souvent répressifs et conservateurs, dans le sens où ils ne portent aucune volonté de changement des structures de la société et entendent au contraire faire taire le débat sur un tel changement.
Vème République, une expérience défectueuse?
La situation dans laquelle nous nous trouvons aujourd’hui alimente les peurs de certains que ce régime, où la figure du président est si forte, ne lui donne un pouvoir trop personnalisé; ce qui pourrait s’empirer avec l'avènement d’un ou une président.e populiste et autoritaire.